The World According To Kara

Monday, October 02, 2006

The Shoebox of Life

Ok so in this case it is not a shoebox but a pooh and tigger lunch tin but it still contains all the old letters and stuff i have received over time...

I've just moved house and have been slowly unpacking stuff and yesterday while I was waiting for someone to come over i decided to attack the last box i have in my room. After ripping up all my old Telstra bills, i found my tin. The tin contains letters/cards/notes that boyfriends had given me pre,post and during our relationships. Man, we thought that we were so old when we were 19/20. So mature and ready for anything life would throw our way. Haha!!

There was some sense of comfort reading through letters from now exes. To know that someone loved me so much brought a warm smile to my face. Especially as we are still good friends. It did make me regret how things had ended but appreciate that we fought for our friendship and actually gained post relationship friendship. It really put life in perspective for me.

I really hope that I can let go of the anger and become friends again with the last guy. It'll just take time but here's hoping. How are you meant to deal with the anger? Do you see them and just hope that it goes away? Do you not see them and try to deal with it on your own in the vain hope that the next time you see them it'll be all ok? I'm not even sure if I'm angry with him or myself that's the problem.

Ahhh... life experience.... "you need the bad things to appreciate the good things"



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