The World According To Kara

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Arse-k Me How The Burnie 10 Went.....

Apart from the fact that I'm having troubles walking and going from sitting to standing because me bum muscles are so incredibly sore the Burnie 10 was ace!

Anna and I jogged at the beginning so we didn't get trampled and then we set about a good walking pace for the rest of the morning. We had the tunes pumping on the pod which was awesome!

At about the 2.5km mark we saw the front runners appear on the other side of the highway and we cheered them on in hope that they would go faster and that that would inspire us to go faster!

We caught Kylie's eye as she ran past us in the other direction and after that we were left to our own devices. Just us and the road - oh and the crazy people in front of us that we just had to beat to the finish line.

With about 2 km to go I think Anna thought I was nuts. I just got the hyperactives and started dancing. I totally blame it on the great 80s-ness that was blasting from the pod. I started skipping and clapping and just generally mucking about. So much so that one of the SES guys asked me if I wanted to do the entire race again ... I think not... well not til next year at least.

We rounded in to the home stretch and everyone got a bit excited. Anna and I ran a bit and then in a very action hero moment she threw her headphones at me at said "go for it". And go for it I did. I sprinted as fast as my legs could take me to get across the line in 1.5hrs. It was so awesome! I had so much adrenalin pumping threw me I was jumping about like a bag of mexican beans. I think the list of people thinking I was nuts started to grow... eep.

So, I had set myself a time of 2 hours and had pounced it in at 1 and a half. YES!!

There's nothing like knowing that your sore muscles are actually from something and that it was a 10km of something!

go me!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Weekend Shenanigans

What a weekend! It was one of the most "jam-packed with fun" weekends that I have had in ages.

Fri night started as per usual with drinks at the Duke after work and then continued at a friend's place for a combined birthday bash. That was wicked fun! Although my head and stomach didn't altogether agree on sat morning. Note to self: don't try to drink an 8pack of TED platinum in one go (I might add that I wasn't really successful - I think I only drank 6 but I hadn't had dinner...eep)

Sat was filled to the brim - firstly with work at the bottle-o (ugh! torture I tell you!)Then dancing with the sassy miss Narelle at the Tulip festival to one of the best bands ever! The Red Hot Roosters!!

Then afer collecting my car and having a bit of a disco nap, a few of the ladies and I headed out to Lewisham to the Lewi Tav to see Pete Cornelius and Phil Manning. A night of the blues! It was awesome. Just what my tired and hungover soul needed. It also doesn't hurt that one of them was a bit nice to look at. *blush*

Sunday, I decided, was the day to go and spend some quality time in Kmart with my usb sticks full of photos and get some developed.

It was so fun randomly selecting the photos from my trip that I wanted printed. I ended up with about 170 photos and it only cost me $40!! WOW! Why have I not done this before??

So now I have a stack of photos to look at and relive my trip through. It is so exciting! My friends are going to get so sick of me... aheheeheh!
Keep tuned and I'll put some of my faves up here... for now here's one from Capri....

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

...And 1,2,3,4

So last night was my first ballet lesson since I was a little kid. It was so much fun. We learnt so much in one night - mostly about positioning and stuff. I learnt what first, second and third are (standing postions) and what the arm positions for first through fifth are. As well as some other stuff along the way.

Mum and I had a few giggles at each other in the beginning as we were trying to balance on demi-point in first while holding our arms away from our body with our hands head width apart (I can't remeber what exactly this is called but it is something that makes me thin of Barberanne...)

The amount of control you need over your body is just nuts. You think you are being so very graceful and then you get a glimpse in the mirror and blech it doesn't quite look as special as it feels.

I used muscles that I haven't known about for a very very long time although I don't hurt this morning. I think that's probably because I went straight to swing dancing after the class. It was amazing, I was so in the mood for swing dancing after ballet. I just needed the freedom of movement I think.

It was also very interesting to see the different syles of teaching. Ballet was very much explained briefly while we watched. We gave it a razz and then the music was on. Then on to the next thing. Swing involved a lot more talking but more joking about but less music. Hmmm... I wonder if there is a dance form that combines all the awesomeness of both classes. Or maybe us swing dancers need to be quiet more often.....

Monday, October 02, 2006

No Backing Out Now........

So, I've just registered and paid for the Burnie Ten.... Cripes.....

Am I crazy?

I'm taking bets on whether I can walk on the 16th........ anyone?

The Shoebox of Life

Ok so in this case it is not a shoebox but a pooh and tigger lunch tin but it still contains all the old letters and stuff i have received over time...

I've just moved house and have been slowly unpacking stuff and yesterday while I was waiting for someone to come over i decided to attack the last box i have in my room. After ripping up all my old Telstra bills, i found my tin. The tin contains letters/cards/notes that boyfriends had given me pre,post and during our relationships. Man, we thought that we were so old when we were 19/20. So mature and ready for anything life would throw our way. Haha!!

There was some sense of comfort reading through letters from now exes. To know that someone loved me so much brought a warm smile to my face. Especially as we are still good friends. It did make me regret how things had ended but appreciate that we fought for our friendship and actually gained post relationship friendship. It really put life in perspective for me.

I really hope that I can let go of the anger and become friends again with the last guy. It'll just take time but here's hoping. How are you meant to deal with the anger? Do you see them and just hope that it goes away? Do you not see them and try to deal with it on your own in the vain hope that the next time you see them it'll be all ok? I'm not even sure if I'm angry with him or myself that's the problem.

Ahhh... life experience.... "you need the bad things to appreciate the good things"
